sabato 25 febbraio 2012

Ansa Genova

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Il sito Internet dell'Agenzia ANSA - Le ultime notizie di cronaca, politica, sport, calcio, economia, cultura e tendenze in tempo reale della regione liguria del sito - visita

Meteo -
Previsioni meteo - ... Elettricità : in arrivo prezzi biorari per 4,5 milioni di famiglie. Dal primo luglio luce meno cara di notte e nei week-end - visita

ANSA METEO - Ricerca Comuni
Previsioni a cura del Centro Epson Meteo Dati meteorologici di base dall'ECMWF su licenza dell'Ufficio Generale per la Meteorologia dell'Aeronautica Militare - visita

Previsioni Meteo Genova: domani e prossimi giorni
Previsioni meteo per il comune di Genova (GE), il tempo previsto per oggi, domani e per il weekend (sabato e domenica). Previsione temperature e intensità dei venti, umidità ... - visita

ANSA - Giochi&Scommesse
15:27 16 FEB ASSOSNAI, SENTENZA NON LEGITTIMA I CTD. Nessuna preoccupazione da parte di Assosnai per i possibili effetti della sentenza della Corte di Giustizia... - visita

Musei di Genova - Castello D'Albertis - Museo delle Culture del Mondo
Genova Musei - Il portale ufficiale dei Musei di Genova del Comune di Genova - visita

Ansamed - Un sito Ansa
Il sito Internet di Ansamed - Notizie in tempo reale sul Mediterraneo - visita

FlashNews : euronews : Le ultime notizie internazionali come video ...
FlashNews | euronews : Notizie internazionali ed europee disponibili come video on demand - visita

Previsioni Meteo Genova - Weather Genova | IL METEO.IT
METEO Genova e PREVISIONI del tempo a Genova e Liguria, temperature, precipitazioni, neve, mari, venti, webcam, weather forecast Genova - visita

Italy Cruise Ship Crash

Durata: 0:53 minutos

Descrizione: At least three people were killed when a cruise ship ran aground near the Italian island of Giglio on Friday night, the local civil protection agency said Saturday. The Costa Concordia, owned by Genoa-based Costa Cruises, ran aground on a sand bank off the island, located off of Italy's western coast, ANSA reported. The incident occurred during dinnertime, witness Luciano Castro told ANSA. The ship was carrying about 3200 passengers and 1000 crew members at the time, according to the cruise line's blog. Initial reports suggested as many as six people had been killed, but it was unclear why the number dropped. An additional 14 people were injured, Italy's ANSA news agency reported Saturday.

Italy Cruise Ship Crash Video

Durata: 0:49 minutos

Descrizione: At least three people were killed when a cruise ship ran aground near the Italian island of Giglio on Friday night, the local civil protection agency said Saturday. The Costa Concordia, owned by Genoa-based Costa Cruises, ran aground on a sand bank off the island, located off of Italy's western coast, ANSA reported. The incident occurred during dinnertime, witness Luciano Castro told ANSA. The ship was carrying about 3200 passengers and 1000 crew members at the time, according to the cruise line's blog. Initial reports suggested as many as six people had been killed, but it was unclear why the number dropped. An additional 14 people were injured, Italy's ANSA news agency reported Saturday.

Titanic 2 Tenggelam (concordia Accident)

Durata: 1:2 minutos

Descrizione: At least six people were killed and 15 injured Friday night after a cruise ship ran aground near the Italian island of Giglio, Italy's ANSA news agency reported early Saturday. The Costa Concordia, owned by Genoa-based Costa Cruises, ran aground on a sand bank just off the island, located off of Italy's western coast, ANSA reported. The incident occurred during dinnertime, witness Luciano Castro told ANSA. The ship was carrying around 3200 passengers and 1000 crew members at the time, according to the cruise line's blog. Evacuation efforts were apparently complicated by the position of the listing ship, according to Costa's blog post. Some passengers fell into the frigid waters during rescue, the news agency reported. As many as 300 people were still on the ship early Saturday waiting to be evacuated, ANSA reported, citing rescuers' estimates. "The company is working with the utmost care to give maximum support," Costa said in the blog statement. The C

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